Dating Congleton

Congleton singles

Search, browse and connect with over 50,000 singles from all over Cheshire with the foremost online dating site for local connections who are serious about finding someone special.

Unlike some dating site we focus on connecting people who live nearby in an easy to use, no pressure environment. We are dedicated to connecting local singles with genuine people they are likely to have a real connection with.

Come and find love in Congleton

We got fed up of the big nationwide dating sites with their impersonal feel. Mr or Mrs Right is so often closer than you think. That’s why we created Cheshire Singles. We only cater for people in Cheshire. Keeping things closer to home means you’re more likely to find someone you connect with.

Find romance in Congleton for free

Membership is fast and free. Simply complete the quick registration form above to get instant access. All you need is a working email address to get started. We will never sell or pass on your personal details.

Once you are registered we recommend you take a few minutes to tell other members a little about yourself and who you are looking for and to add a recent photo. The more information about yourself you add the more potential matches we can come up with for you.

Join now to start reviewing your matches

If you are over 50 and looking for love, friendship or a companion, why not try our dedicated mature dating site for singles over fifty in Cheshire. You will find a large selection of older singles looking for a more mature date.

You don’t need to be single any more. Sign up for your free profile at Cheshire Singles and start your search today. You don’t need your credit card to join up or even to start browsing the genuine singles in Congleton that have already discovered our service. Whatever you’re looking for, look for it with us, and use your profile to attract your perfect date today.